We asked the IWBF what the current status is regarding the new classification rules, and they were kind enough to briefly explain the new process to us.
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IWBF Athlete Steering Committee | Survey
by Redaktion onThe Asia Oceania representative of the IWBF Athlete Steering Committee, Australia’s Ella Sabljak has given the following statement to Rollt. encouraging international players to contact the committee and fill out the relevant surveys so that the committee can engage with the feedback of the community.
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Team Germany: „Lasst die Athlet*innen nicht für die Versäumnisse der IWBF büßen“
by Redaktion onStatement der Herren des Team Germany Rollstuhlbasketball zum Reassessment, dem Klassifizierungsstreit zwischen dem Internationalen Paralympischen Komitee (IPC) und der International Wheelchair Basketball Federation (IWBF).
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Stellungnahme der Rollstuhlbasketballer*innen | Statement by Wheelchair Basketball Athletes
by Redaktion onStellungnahme der Rollstuhlbasketballer*innen: Drohender Verlust der Spielberechtigung für die Paralympischen Spiele – Athlet*innen werden mitten in eine Auseinandersetzung zwischen IPC und IWBF zu Governance-Fragen gezerrt
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Interview with Tim Frick: “They need to get the sponsors on board to put pressure on the various organisations.”
by Redaktion onTim Frick was the Canadian Women’s National Team Head Coach for almost twenty years, from the early nineties through 2009. He has continued his life in sport as a Canadian classifier at the domestic level. Canada’s John Loeppky spoke to Tim about the current classification controversy and his views on the topic.
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Interview with George Bates: “I’m starting to realise this is a lot bigger than just my own case”
by Redaktion onFollowing on from the statement he gave Rollt. a couple days ago, GB’s George Bates spoke at length with Dylan Cummings about the current situation.
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Reader’s letter from Armand “Tip” Thiboutot | Is your disability acceptable to the IPC?
by Redaktion onOn June 18th, Wheelchair Basketball Canada announced that Canadian wheelchair basketball player, David Eng, was declared ineligible by the International Paralympic Committee (IPC). Previously, Eng had been deemed eligible to represent Canada in four Paralympics. He had been judged eligible in the USA. And, he had also been judged eligible by the governing body of […]
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Interview with Joey Johnson: “If changes have to be made, they should be made post-Tokyo.”
by Redaktion onThe IPC/IWBF Paralympic classification code debate has been a topic of discussion that has had many wheelchair basketball athletes and fans searching for answers. Rollt.’s Dylan Cummings recently spoke with 3x Paralympic gold medalist and all-round legend of the game, Joey Johnson to get his thoughts on the situation.
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Kommentar zum IWBF-IPC-Zwist
by Redaktion onRollstuhlbasketball wird aus dem Programm der Paralympischen Spiele 2024 in Paris genommen – ein Traumzerstörer für alle Nachwuchsspieler. Rollstuhlbasketball in Tokio 2020 steht auf der Kippe – ein auf die Basketball-Welt losgelassener Unruhestifter und Beunruhiger ohne Gleichen. Die Presse berichtet über diese Themen, noch bevor das IPC die vorgenannten Informationen über eine offizielle Mitteilung kommuniziert. […]
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Nachgehakt bei Mareike Miller
by Redaktion onSeit den Veröffentlichungen des IPC und der IWBF am 31. Januar 2020 sind einige Tage ins Land gezogen. Wir haben bei Mareike Miller nachgehakt, wie die Stimmung unter den Athleten ist, was sie von der Vorab-Berichterstattung des britischen „The Telegraph“ hält und was der Sachstand in Hinblick auf eine offizielle Athletenvertretung ist.
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