IWBF: Inviting global wheelchair basketball community to help share the sport’s future

The International Wheelchair Basketball Federation (IWBF) has launched a consultation process to assist in shaping a 10-year Global Strategy for the sport of wheelchair basketball.

Wheelchair basketball is one of the most popular sports in the Paralympic movement, with over 100,000 playing the game globally.

As part of the project, the online consultation will provide valuable insight into the views of wheelchair basketball members and the wider community. This will feed into IWBF’s strategic outcomes for the global strategy directives and guidelines, and help to build a sustainable platform to grow the sport over the next 10 years.

In partnership with British Wheelchair Basketball through funding from the UK Sport International Relations Fund, IWBF has been fortunate to be able to appoint world-renowned global management consultancy firm, Portas, to lead on the creation of a new long-term strategy for the sport.

IWBF President Ulf Mehrens, said:

“With the recent challenges the sport has faced over the past three years, it has felt that instead of being able to plan and look ahead, we have needed to be constantly reactive.“The sport is now at a crucial point as we look to continue its development and cement our position within the Paralympic movement. Our aim is to deliver this ambitious and exciting project to lay a clear path for the future of our sport.“We want to listen to our members and our community to create a shared vision and ambition for our sport that will take wheelchair basketball to the next level.”

IWBF is urging those involved in the sport to help shape its future. The consultation is in the form of two short surveys – one for its members (National Organisations governing Wheelchair Basketball), and the other a short multiple-choice survey for the wheelchair basketball community (such as a player, fan, or official).

Click here to access and complete the survey.

Text: IWBF | Photo: Uli Gasper

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