Die Rhine River Rhinos verkünden erfreut, dass Barbara ‚Babsi‘ Groß ab Dezember in den Farben der Dickhäuter aufs Parkett rollen wird. Die 26-jährige beendet derzeit ihren Bachelor in Marketing an der Universität von Alabama, wo sie gemeinsam mit Neuzugang Arinn ‚Juice‘ Young die letzten vier Jahre auf Korbjagd ging und drei Meisterschaftstitel gewann.
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Elxleben: Bulls verstärken sich mit Helen Freeman
by Redaktion onBevor die Thuringia Bulls in die aktive Vorbereitung mit 4 Vorbereitungsspielen einsteigen, haben die Thüringer sich die Dienste von Helen Freeman aus Großbritannien gesichert.
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Interview with Gregg Warburton: “Do what you love.”
by Redaktion onGB international, World and European Champion, Gregg Warburton has recently announced that he has signed for Spanish super club, CD Ilunion following his departure from Mideba Extremadura. He sat down with Rollt.’s Dylan Cummings in an exclusive video interview and discussed what he wants to achieve with his new club, which included continuing to bring […]
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Interview with Shaun Norris: “There is no substitute for hard work.”
by Redaktion onBasketball Australia have recently announced the top 25 athletes that have made the first cut in the Aussie Rollers selection process for Tokyo 2021. These athletes will continue to fight for a place in the final 12 over the next year. In the press release, three-time Paralympic medallist, Shaun Norris was named as the captain […]
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Interview with Joe Bestwick: “My family always encouraged me to keep going and keep working, regardless of the knock backs along the way.”
by Redaktion onOn June 18th, 2020, it was publicly revealed that Joe Bestwick was in the selection process to represent Team Germany at the Tokyo 2021 Paralympic Games. Rollt. announced that he was one of the athletes ‘cleared’ by the IPC. The news came as a shocking but positive surprise to the majority of the wheelchair basketball […]
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Kommentar: Matt Scotts Abschied
by Redaktion onMatt Scott verlässt die RBBL gen Heimat. Dies ist ein Verlust für die Stahlkraft der RBBL und eine Schwächung des Bulls-Kader.
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Interview with Janet Zeltinger: “I sincerely hope that the athletes that are under review will be eligible to compete in the Paralympics.”
by Redaktion onAs part of Rollt.’s continued coverage of the IPC classification situation, Janet Zeltinger (nee McLachlan) spoke with Dylan Cummings to discuss her thoughts on the current circumstances. Sport has always been an integral part of Zeltinger’s life as she has previously played able-bodied basketball and rugby. However, a severe knee injury that she suffered in […]
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Interview with Joey Johnson: “I hope that IPC and IWBF wake up and realise that this decision isn’t good for the game”
by Redaktion onOn June 18th, 2020, IWBF released a statement on the first set of decisions made by the IPC regarding the Eligibility Reassessment Process for the Tokyo 2021 Paralympic Games. In the statement it was revealed that 75% of the 134 athletes under review had received a decision from the IPC regarding their eligibility for the […]
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Mein erstes Mal … | Mein erstes Länderspiel
by Redaktion onVor vier, fünf Jahren haben wir uns für unsere Printausgabe in regelmäßigen Abständen bei den Rollstuhlbasketball-Protagonisten über ihr erstes Mal erkundigt. Wie Heike Friedrich, Nicolai Zeltinger, Urs Rechtsteiner, Luca Fischer und Tarik Cajo ihr Länderspiel-Debüt erlebt haben, haben uns die Damen und Herren im Juni 2016 für unser Baby Nummer elf verraten.
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Hannover: Jan Sadlers Liebeserklärung an Hannover
by Redaktion onRollstuhlbasketball-Nationalspieler und United-Kapitän verlängert Vertrag um vier Jahre
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